Monday, December 10, 2012

Don't Just Be Catholic; Be PROFOUNDLY Catholic! God is at work in you!

Don't keep all that profound Catholicism to yourself, either.  
Be a powerful witness of Christ's love and mercy to a world in desperate need. 
While praying to prepare your heart before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, ask St. John Bosco to bring the Infant Jesus to you and as he joyfully holds the Baby, caress His tiny little hands and feet! 
Kiss the bottom of His tiny feet, press your lips softly against His sweet little head, and bestow upon your little King many precious kisses! 
Jesus is so delighted when we love Him in return. +
To help you prepare your heart for Christ(mas), an AdvLent reflection.  That's right;  AdvLENT.  
For heaven's sake, don't miss it! "Sweet Jesus, Why the Lenten Meditation During Advent?"
God is so in love with you!  + + +