Saturday, July 14, 2012

Work Continues on the Pro-Life Book 'God Moments III: True Love Leads To Life'

Our Lady of Perpetual Help presents herself as the team's special collaborator as the book nears completion.

God Moments III:  True Love Leads To Life, the third book in the award-winning God Moments series, takes readers right onto the battlefield during the greatest humanitarian disaster in the history of humanity.  Readers will experience the deeply personal, first-hand accounts of life and death choices as seen through the eyes of God, children, and the experiences of men and women on both sides of the abortion debate. 

Drawing upon the teachings of the Catholic Church and Servant of God, Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J., readers are encouraged to develop and promote within themselves and others an unconditional trust in the Lord's judgment as well as a holy reverence of His most perfect timing, and are invited to become God's loving collaborators by integrating the peaceful defense of human life from conception until natural death into their life's purpose.

"Trust all things to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and to Mary, Help of Christians, and you will see what miracles are."  ~ St. John Bosco    

 The official material for the new global pro-life movement 
True Love Leads To Life
is being developed concurrently.

A sneak peek inside God Moments III:  True Love Leads To Life
(available fall 2012).

Stories from the book (click on the links):

I Would Much Rather Not Have Been There That Day

Together, We Brought To A Close A Significant Chapter Of Our Shared Experience

  Life-changing, award-winning material worthy of your great dignity.