Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pray for the Safe Rescue of the Chilean Miners

Almighty God, we ask You to protect the 33 miners, and also their rescuers, and pray that they be reunited with their families and friends.

Blessed Mother, keep them in your care.

Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee,
blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death.


O most merciful and almighty God,
You bestowed as gift to Lorenzo Ruiz
The strength to withstand
The overpowering forces of death
For the sake of his faith in You.

Through his prayers,
Help us to follow his example
By overcoming all life’s trials
And eventually, increase
Our hope and love in You.

O St. Lorenzo Ruiz,
You brought honor to your country,
Having been a level-headed
And prudent father of the family,
A witness of Christ in your life
Until your death.

We present all our petitions
To God through your help
So that by our actions,
We may know more and love more
Jesus our Lord and Savior.

We humbly implore
Your intercession O dear St. Lorenzo,
For the infinite glory of God
And in honor of your triumph
As a martyr of Christ
And defender of Christianity.


Prayer to St. Anthony of Padua, the Wonder-Worker

Saint Anthony,
you are glorious for your miracles
and for the condescension of Jesus
who came as a little child to lie in your arms.
Obtain for me from His bounty
the grace which I ardently desire.
You were so compassionate toward sinners,
do not regard my unworthiness.
Let the glory of God be magnified by you
in connection with the particular request
that I earnestly present to you.
{mention your petition}
As a pledge of my gratitude,
I promise to live more faithfully
in accordance with the teachings of the church,
and to be devoted to the service of the poor
whom you loved and still love so greatly.
Bless this resolution of mine
that I may be faithful to it until death.
Saint Anthony,
consoler of all the afflicted,
pray for me.
Saint Anthony,
helper of all who invoke you,
pray for me.
Saint Anthony,
whom the Infant Jesus loved and honored so much,
pray for me.

Today's News:

God is at work, in each one of us.