Monday, August 29, 2011

Heartbeat International: Forty Years Of Life-Changing And Life-Saving Work

Happy Anniversary,
Heartbeat International!

God is so at work in you.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

His Wounds Are Our Merits

Corpus Meum ~ Coming Soon!

- Corpus Meum -
Authentic Catholic

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Joseph Karl Publishing Adds True Love Leads To Life Page To Its Website

True Love Leads To Life's New Page:

True Love Leads To Life's Blog:

Visit TLLL on Facebook
and be sure to check out the pro-life picture gallery:

Also check out Joseph Karl Publishing's
Pro-Life Image Gallery:

True Love Leads to Life is an unprecedented, global, and peaceful mission of love led by Jesus Christ, whose purpose is to encourage greater sanctity on an individual level while combining our efforts to bring an end to legalized abortion and euthanasia, and to promote post-abortion healing for those in need. People of all faiths are invited and encouraged to join the cause.

Official downloadable brochure coming
Fall 2011.

God is at work in you!

True Love Leads to Life Attends Pro-Life Webcast Exposing Planned Parenthood's Weak Link

"Anytime is the right time to end abortion everywhere." ~True Love Leads to Life

If you missed the live webcast,
you can hear it recorded
by clicking on the link:

"Being pro-life is an around-the-clock commitment.
You never know who's life you are going to touch."

Be sure to read Abby Johnson's
life-changing and life-saving book
and share it with everyone you know.

New "Changing Sides" DVD

The next 40 Days for Life campaign:
September 28 – November 6

297 participating locations
with 46 first-time campaigns!

For more information on how to get involved

Pro-life advocates unite,
and let's end legalized abortion,
the most colossal humanitarian disaster
in the history of mankind.

"If we do not teach people
that abortion is wrong,
others may convince them
that murder is right."

True love leads to life!

Official brochure coming fall, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

From Our Collection

Pictures taken at Ss. Cyril & Methodius Slovak Catholic Church, Sterling Heights, Michigan, U.S.A.

True Love Leads to Life to Attend "Planned Parenthood's Weak Link" Live Webcast 8/23/11

We are closer to ending legalized abortion than most people think, but it will not happen if we do nothing. Getting involved is a calling that every person in the human family must hear and respond to. "If we do not teach people that abortion is wrong, others may convince them that murder is right." ~True Love Leads to Life

From Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life


As we prepare for the largest 40 Days for Life campaign EVER this fall ... former Planned Parenthood abortion center director turned pro-life advocate Abby Johnson will expose her former employer during a huge nationwide webcast event THIS TUESDAY NIGHT and reveal the abortion chain's WEAK LINK!

Abby discovered this glaring weakness inside America's largest abortion operation ... and has witnessed it repeatedly while traveling coast to coast speaking out against Planned Parenthood.

YOU are invited to attend the LIVE webcast where Abby will finally tell all!

Here are the details:

WHAT: Planned Parenthood's Weak Link webcast with Abby Johnson

DATE: Tuesday, August 23

TIME: 9 PM Eastern (8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific)


During the FREE webcast, you will discover:

* Why a Planned Parenthood clinic director and employee of the year changed sides to become an outspoken pro-life advocate

* The shocking truth about Planned Parenthood that was revealed through Abby's high-stakes legal battle with the abortion giant

* The abortion industry's #1 greatest fear -- and how YOU can help make it come true

* Planned Parenthood's Achilles heel that could topple its abortion empire like a house of cards

* How to make abortion unavailable in your community ... even while it's still legal

* The most effective way to drive Planned Parenthood -- or any other abortion operation -- out of your city

* The brand-new tool you can use to change more hearts and minds about abortion, save more lives ... and perhaps even impact eternal souls

You won't want to miss this eye-opening webcast event where you will hear directly from Abby and other presenters, including:

>> JEFF PARADOWSKI, Abby's attorney who defeated Planned Parenthood's legal team and PR spin machine in a major court battle with the abortion business

>> DAVID BEREIT, 40 Days for Life national director

>> And me, SHAWN CARNEY, campaign director of 40 Days for Life

Sign up to attend the webcast by going NOW to:

Act quickly, because space is extremely limited for the online event, and spaces are filling fast.

Hope to talk with you Tuesday night!

For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Can't attend live? Don't worry -- the entire event will be recorded. Go ahead and register anyway, and you will be notified as soon as the recording is available:

PPS: Please help spread the word about this event! Forward this information to everyone you possibly can, encouraging them to also register at:

True Love Leads to Life will be attending.
Please join us!

Be sure to read Unplanned
by Abby Johnson
and share this life-changing and live-saving book
with everyone you know, including young people.

True love leads to life!

God is at work in you.