Friday, June 28, 2013

Apostolate Films' Authentic, Majestic, Profoundly Catholic Audio Meditation Collection Grows

Perhaps you never heard anything like this in Catechism Class!  

Joseph Karl Publishing's film division, Apostolate Films, released another PROFOUNDLY Catholic audio meditation today as Operation Profoundly Catholic Search and Rescue continues! 

Choose from among the various meditations in the collection:  Apostolate Films Profoundly Catholic Audio Meditation Collection on Mixcloud

See a pillar transformed into a pedestal, an execution rope into an alb's girdle (rope), a center isle into the Way of the Cross, a Beggar into a King, cowards into Cristeros, a Mother into a Queen, bread into God, wine into the most undeniable of our necessities (the Precious Blood of Christ), sinners into saints, and people considered by the world to be the most worthless, powerless, useless, and penniless into phenomenal channels of grace for the massive conversion of sinners. 

Don't EVER just be Catholic; be PROFOUNDLY CATHOLIC! 

There is so much more of God's love to discover and rediscover. 

He is so in love with you!! + + +

NEW!!  A Special Sacramental Confession of Devotion Request from the Lord

Just over ten minutes of profoundly Catholic audio
created to lead you right into the waiting, welcoming, loving, compassionate, and merciful arms
of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  

God is so in love with you!

Go, Team!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

JKP's New Picture Gallery: Catholic Search & Rescue

The Good Shepherd requests new profoundly Catholic images, for you.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Just Overheard in a Public Place

Every one of us is loved and valued, beyond measure.
The following was overheard today in public. 
A man was speaking to three other people while having lunch about who his father is and all the perks associated with the man's celebrity.  
I smiled, having thought immediately about my Father, our Father, and all the perks associated with being loved by Him so much. + 
“To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek Him the greatest adventure; to find Him, the greatest human achievement.” ~ Saint Augustine
© Joseph Karl Publishing/Michele Bondi Bottesi

Love Him and honor Him, all the days of your life.

Looking for PROFOUNDLY CATHOLIC material
to help you fall even more deeply in love 
with the Love of your eternal life?

Joseph Karl Publishing works for you!

JKP is in the pew, right next to you.
And there is no place that we would rather be.

Go, Team!
God is at work in you.
+ + +