Saturday, September 29, 2012

God Points, Joseph Karl Publishing Shoots: More Majestic + Authentic + Catholic Images For You

Work continues on creating a collection of authentic, majestic Catholic images for use in homes, schools, parishes, offices, etc.  Soon, more images will be available as posters and in smaller sizes.

We also have a few surprises in the works, all for you, because God is so in love with you!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sharing the Love of God Through Majestic Catholic Images, Blogs, Books, Prints, Videos, and Personal Witness

The next generation of Catholic Publishers, missionary authors, photographers, and producers are working hard to serve you, all of you, no matter where you are around the world.

From a recent blog posting on "God Is At Work In You!":

Responding to the Lord's request to extend its reach to more parts of the world, Joseph Karl Publishing's titles are headed to Germany for the 2012 Frankfurt International Book Fair, the largest book and media fair in the world.  This week, JKP will be following up on interest from multiple publishers in China following the 2012 Beijing Book Fair.

Work continues on the "Catholicism 101" series of images which seek to present Catholicism in ways you perhaps have never before considered or experienced.

Currently, three short videos are in production at Apostolate Films.  One is True Love Leads To Life's first prolife short video, one is on the love of God as It comes to us in so many ways through the majestic Tridentine Holy Mass, and one is on Eucharistic Adoration.

The Sacrament of Christ's Peace, an earlier video:

 Work continues on the logo for a new Catholic show as the final touches are added to the studio.  As soon as the logo is finished, the name of the show will be released, and when the Lord gives us the go-ahead, taping will begin.

Andre Bottesi works on the logo for the new show.
  Printouts of the manuscript for 
God Moments III:  True Love Leads To Life

Professional copy editing began today on God Moments III:  True Love Leads To Life as the pro-life compilation speeds toward publication, and will be available, ironically, around the time of the 2012 Presidential Election.  Our thanks to the many people who shared their life-changing, and perhaps life-saving, stories in the book.  God is at work in you!  

The development of JKP's Catholic image series for use in homes, schools, parishes, offices, hospitals, etc. continues.  Many prototypes have been printed in an effort to get them just right for those who have expressed interest in them.  Several of the images are available on JKP's website, which is still under construction.  Work on the completely redesigned website has been painfully slow, but the store is up and running.  In due time, the images and descriptions of the books and posters will be added.  Thanks to everyone for their patience as we get to the many assignments as the Lord allows.  

 If Catholicism is not absolutely ROCKING your world, then you don't know Catholicism!  Discover or rediscover the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, AND Pro-Life Church, and the majestic full expression of Christianity as established by its very Founder, Jesus Christ.  God is so in love with you!

More updates soon.

Joseph Karl Publishing thanks our friends around the world who have shared the majestic Catholic images and stories with so many others.  You are vital members of our team;  God is at work in you!


Joseph Karl Publishing, its film division, Apostolate Films, and True Love Leads To Life were founded by our Lord in 2009 to defend human life and dignity, foster Catholic faith formation throughout the lifespan and around the world, promote reconciliation and healing, inspire, nurture the faithful, and guide precious, immortal souls to Christ.

JKP has been honored with 25 national and international awards for its material, which adheres to Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. The team of authentic Catholic missionary authors, editors, photographers, and producers take no credit for anything, thank God for everything, and are grateful to the parish of Ss. Cyril & Methodius Slovak Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Detroit for its generous collaboration.

God is at work in you!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Share the Love of God with a World that Doesn't Even Recognize the Light of the World Shining Through the Darkness

 God is so in love with us.  +


 How is God at work in you?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A New Voice For A Broken Soul By Paul A. Ray Arrives In Print

 The front and back covers of the book.

"...the call on his life has been confirmed; lead him to the place of rest and all will be take from him..."
A New Voice for a Broken Soul is the true story of Catholic author Paul A. Ray's dramatic healing from alcohol addiction and journey to serve Jesus in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. A powerful testimonial that proves that there's always hope through Jesus Christ.

This life-changing book is available on

 "No prayer is ever lost." ~ St. John Vianney 

"Catholic author and speaker Paul A. Ray's book offers hope to the hopeless, joy to those in despair, and liberation and freedom to those bound and chained by addictions, through the power of the unconditional love and mercy of God. Honest, encouraging, inspiring, and life-changing, 'A New Voice for a Broken Soul' will benefit every single person who reads it." 

~ Michele Bondi Bottesi, Catholic Publisher, Author, and Producer 

  Paul's first look at his book in print.

Paul A. Ray is a Catholic writer and speaker who was instantly healed from an addiction to alcohol by Jesus Christ on June 9, 2002. Since that moment, he has dedicated his life to knowing, loving, and serving God within His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. 

 The book en route to China for the 2012 Beijing International Book Fair.

 Paul's book in the new book section at Faith @ Work in Troy, Michigan.

The book is available in e-book format on Amazon Kindle: 

 Learning from Servant of God, Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. along the way.

"Trust all things to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and to Mary, Help of Christians, and you will see what miracles are."  ~ St. John Bosco

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Launching Out Into the Deep

The team at Joseph Karl Publishing and Apostolate Films gets the new studio ready, and makes final preparation to produce a new show (the title is still a well-guarded secret) that will present Catholicism to you in a whole new and majestic way.


Discover or rediscover the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, and Pro-Life Church,
and find the majestic full expression of Christianity 
as established by its very Founder, Jesus Christ. 

God is at work in you!


Our thanks to the devout, majestic parish of
Ss. Cyril and Methodius Slovak Catholic Church
in Sterling Heights, Michigan, U.S.A.
in the Archdiocese of Detroit
for its ongoing collaboration.  


 The next generation of Catholic Publishers,
missionary authors,
and producers 
is working hard to serve you.

God is at work in you!

 A sneak peek at the studio.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Joseph Karl Publishing Steps Out Onto the Battlefield to Defend Human Life

Valuing and defending human life is a vital part of everyone's personal apostolate. 

"God, the Creator of Life, is pro-life.  Are you?"  ~ True Love Leads To Life
Work continues on the third book in the award-winning God Moments Series, the powerful pro-life compilation God Moments III:  True Love Leads To Life.   The manuscript is being cleaned up and will be sent out very soon to Erin Howarth at DDM Publications for professional copy editing.

From the back cover of the book:

    Step right on to the battlefield during the most colossal humanitarian disaster in the history of mankind.  The personal stories in God Moments III:  True Love Leads To Life take you straight to the heart of the right-to-life controversy and provide the opportunity to share real life and death situations as they were seen through the eyes of God, children, and the men and women on both sides of the abortion debate.
This third book in the award-winning God Moments Series integrates Catholic Church teaching on the sanctity of life to cultivate an unconditional respect for the great dignity of the human person, and to encourage you to trust in God’s judgment and reverence His most perfect timing.

     True love leads to life, and so many other wonderful things!  Do not wait to get involved in the pro-life movement; God has prepared a very special place just for you within it.

The manuscript will return to JKP several more times for review to ensure that it is as good as it can be before it heads to print and into your hands.  

Work continues with award-winning graphic designer Roseann Nieman, Father Luigi Gabris, and photographer Tim Fuller on the front and back covers.  The book will be available November 2012 in print from Joseph Karl Publishing and, and in electronic book format on Amazon Kindle.

An excerpt from the book:

Custom Made By Christ

Michele Bondi Bottesi

      Imagine you had an ancestor who lived at the time of Christ, that your forebear was a neighbor of the Holy Family, and he had commissioned St. Joseph to make a table.  St. Joseph gave the job to Jesus, who created an exceptionally handcrafted, unique table of the highest quality materials. Jesus made the table with the greatest care, and poured tremendous love into His work because He valued the owner. That table was truly a masterpiece of exceptional quality. 

     Imagine that His holy Mother had brushed the table with her mantel many times when she walked into the workshop to bring a cool drink and a meal to her humble and hardworking Son. As a caring mother would, she also placed great value on the care that was poured into its creation for the sake of the owner.

     Now imagine that the very same table was passed down through the years, and at one point it was given to you. Just think about the significance of having such a priceless treasure in your home!

   What would you do with an item of such incalculable worth?  Would you reject it, give it away, try to sell it, or get rid of it?  Would you accept the table from the one who gave it to you?  Would you value it, perhaps have it appraised? How would you treat it? 

   Would you be proud of the table, and welcome family, friends, and perhaps even strangers into your home to see something so priceless? Maybe after seeing you regard it so highly, others would value the table just as much.  Or, would value the table even more than you.
     Actually, you do have something in your home that was exceptionally well handcrafted by God, is totally unique, and was made with the greatest care and tremendous love, out of the highest quality materials.  That which you possess is also valued greatly by His most loving mother!

     In fact, every home has an item of such great significance, and God has placed immeasurable value on His creation. We must, too.  

     YOU were created by God, and He loves and values you beyond measure. Likewise, everyone you know and everyone you do not know were also created by God, and He loves and values them beyond measure, too.  

       Step right on to the battlefield during the most colossal humanitarian disaster in the history of mankind.  The personal stories in God Moments III:  True Love Leads To Life take you straight to the heart of the right-to-life controversy and provide the opportunity to share real life and death situations as they were seen through the eyes of God, children, and the men and women on both sides of the abortion debate.  
     The third book in the award-winning God Moments Series integrates Catholic Church teaching on the sanctity of life to cultivate an unconditional respect for the great dignity of the human person, and to encourage you to trust in God’s judgment and reverence His most perfect timing. 

     True love leads to life, and so many other wonderful things!  Do not wait to get involved in the pro-life movement; God has prepared a very special place just for you within it.

     “God has allowed the plague of abortion, I hope you will believe me, because of our sins, and don’t change the phenomenal adjective, because of OUR sins, yours and mine.”  ~ Father John A. Hardon, S.J., Sermon on Abortion

Joseph Karl Publishing continues producing pro-life images for its Catholicism 101 series, fulfilling its mission to defend human life and dignity, foster your ongoing Catholic faith formation, educate, inspire, and lead precious, immortal souls to Christ:

 JKP continues to create new pro-life images which are posted on blogs, social networking sites, and photo galleries, and they continue to be shared by people around the world.


 Joseph Karl Publishing and True Love Leads To Life continue to create images that encourage Americans to vote in imitation of Christ in November by voting pro-life.  A Catholic vote is ALWAYS a pro-life vote!


Apostolate Films continues work on True Love Leads To Life's
first short video in defense of human life and dignity.
It has the music, it has Father John A. Hardon, S.J.,
and images are currently being chosen and cropped
as text blocks are added
and voiceovers are recorded.

Have you accepted your pro-life summons yet?  

Do not wait to get involved in the pro-life movement.
God has reserved a very special place for you within it.

God is at work in you!

"Help that kills isn't help at all."  ~ True Love Leads To Life