Monday, February 27, 2012

The Majesty of Holy Mass ~ Trailer

"The Mass is the application and the projection through space and time of the redemptive love of Christ on the Cross."  ~Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen 

"The more sacrificial our lives,
the more beneficial is every Mass offered
on all the altars of the world every day."

 ~Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.

The film will integrate Church teaching and insights from 
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J., St. John Vianney, 
and Catholics right from the pews.

Discover or rediscover 
the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, and Pro-Life Church,
and the majestic full expression of Christianity
as established by its Founder, Jesus Christ.

Prepare to be amazed,
for God is so in love with you!  

Coming soon.

Apostolate Films thanks the extraordinary parish of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Slovak Roman Catholic Church in Sterling Heights, Michigan, U.S.A. and Sean McVeigh of McVeigh Ministries for their invaluable help. 

"My Diamonds"

 Every single life is created by God, with unfathomable love and for great purpose.

Work continues on God Moments III:  True Love Leads To Life, a pro-life compilation of stories whose purpose is to defend human life and dignity, educate, promote forgiveness and healing, and lead to the end of legalized abortion and euthanasia around the world.

Here is a sneak peek inside the manuscript.  This poem was written by Belinda Bondi, who passed into eternal life December 14, 2011 at the age of 48.  Belinda contributed her beautiful poems to the previous two God Moments books, and wrote this poem with great love and affection for her three nieces and two nephews.      

 My Diamonds *

Recently I looked up to see
The stars shining beautifully.
In the darkness of the clear night,
The silent lamps of hope burned bright.

A sense of peace enveloped me;
I dreamed of possibilities.
A sense of time eluded me;
I thought about eternity.

Last night perhaps you saw stars too.
My diamonds, too, I thought of you.

*Dedicated to my five nieces and nephews, "My five diamonds."

Belinda Bondi
Copyright 2011 Belinda Bondi


God Moments III:  True Love Leads To Life,
written and compiled by Michele Elena Bondi,
has a projected publication date of 
October 1, 2012
and will be available in print and as an e-book.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Every Single Person's Mission Includes Defending Human Life And The Majesty Of God

"Help that kills isn't help at all."

~True Love Leads To Life

Work continues on True Love Leads To Life's official brochure, as Joseph Karl Publishing expands its pro-life invitation collection.  All are encouraged to copy and share the images with others around the world.  

True Love Leads To Life's material will draw from authentic Catholic Church teaching,  Fr. John A. Hardon's material, and Pope John Paul II's pro-life work. The official brochure will be available soon for copying, and sharing. 

"If we do not teach people that abortion is wrong, 
others may convince them that murder is right."

~True Love Leads To Life

Updates will be available here, 
and on True Love Leads To Life's Facebook page. 

God, the Creator of Life, is pro-life. 

Are you?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lent Begins

 God is at work in you!

Discover or rediscover
the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, and Pro-Life Church,
and the majestic full expression of Christianity 
as established by its Founder,
Jesus Christ.

God is so in love with you!

Monday, February 20, 2012

God Is At Work In You: To The Ends Of The Earth, Until The End Of Time

Many exciting things are in the works for precious, immortal souls.

JKP is very excited to be working with Ted Lang of Advantage Info Systems as its official website is redesigned to fit its mission. Ted has almost twenty years of experience building websites and his input is greatly appreciated. Things change around here very quickly!  The new site will be operational soon. 

Work continues on the official brochure for True Love Leads To Life, and delightfully, Servant of God, Fr. John A. Hardon has stepped up and helped move things along very nicely.  How appropriate, and delightful, as work progresses on the trailer to precede the documentary film on his extraordinary life, mission, and legacy.  Today, more information was sent to JKP's fine collaborator, accomplished writer and director Jason Salyers of Converse Marketing.

Stories are still being compiled for God Moments III:  True Love Leads To Life.  The book will be made up entirely of pro-life stories.  JKP hopes to have this groundbreaking book available by October.  For two years running, a God Moments book as been released at the time of St. Therese's feast day, and the hope is to keep that lovely tradition going.  God Moments IV, as yet untitled, is also in development for 2013.  It will be filled with delightful stories of encounters and interactions with the saints, our friends and intercessors in heaven.

The next generation of Catholic publishers, Joseph Karl Publishing and Harvey House Publishing, continue work on their spring/summer 2012 catalog.  A winter/spring catalog is currently available.  Looking for exceptional quality, award-winning life-changing reading?  You will find it here. 

Award-winning graphic designer Roseann Nieman of Niemanart Graphics continues her work on the cover of Paul A. Ray's soon to be released book, A New Voice For A Broken Soul.  Currently, Paul is making his final revisions to the manuscript.  A release date will be announced soon.

JKP continues to share Catholic images that inspire, encourage forgiveness and healing, defend human life and dignity, promote continuing faith formation throughout the lifespan and around the world, and guide precious, eternal souls to Christ.  Such images are very necessary and seriously lacking.  Ted Lang is a valuable consultant as JKP prepares to make such greatly needed, and beautiful, Catholic images available.

Discover or rediscover 
the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, and Pro-Life Church, 
and the full expression of Christianity 
as established by its founder, Jesus Christ.

God is so in love with you!   

Friday, February 17, 2012

Work Advances on Documentary Film About Servant of God, Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.

Mission accomplished: this week, material for the trailer to precede a documentary film about the life, teaching, and legacy of Servant of God, Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J., has been sent to stellar writer and director Jason Salyers of Converse Marketing.

Apostolate Films thanks everyone who shared their personal stories.  Others who have generously offered to share their experiences will be contacted in the coming months.

If you are looking for life-changing material worthy of your great dignity, you will find it under the name Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. +


Images of Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. being scanned for the film.

"Our faith is belief because we do not see what we believe....when we believe in the Real Presence, we believe in things twice unseen. We see only what looks like bread and wine, tastes and smells like bread and wine, and yet we are to believe that behind these physical appearances is a man  Faith number one.  And we are further to believe that behind the unseen man is God.  Faith number two."

~Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J., The Eucharist and Sanctity

 "I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, 
and he who believes in Me will never thirst." 

 ~ John 6:35

 Images of Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. being scanned for the film.

"Never run from the Cross. 

~Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.

"Faith reveals, faith discloses, faith enlightens, faith empowers the mind to see what the mind without faith cannot see."

~Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J., The Eucharist and Sanctity

"He is in the Eucharist with His human mind and will united with the Divinity, with His hands and feet, His face and features, with His eyes and lips and ears and nostrils, with His affections and emotions and, with emphasis, with His living, pulsating, physical Sacred Heart."

~Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J., The Eucharist and Sanctity
 Images of Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. being scanned for the film

 Preparing to share the life and legacy 
of an extraordinary intercessor 
and friend in heaven to us all: 

"The More Deeply We Love, The More Generously We Give"

Updates on the film will be posted here 
and on Apostolate Films' Facebook page.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Roseann Nieman Returns To Create The Cover of "A New Voice For A Broken Soul" by Paul A. Ray

We are so blessed and absolutely delighted to have Roseann working with us again, this time on special assignment to create the cover of Paul's life-changing book.

A peek at a portion of the front cover.

A New Voice For A Broken Soul continues to move through the various stages toward publication.

Award-winning book design, layout, and packager Erin Howarth of DDM publications worked with Paul to create an interior design that compliments the exceptional content. Paul has an extraordinary way with words, because he is truly inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Nancy Carabio Belanger, from award-winning publishing company Harvey House Publishing, professionally copy edited the text.  John-Paul Belanger is also a vital member of the team who read through the book and offered his invaluable suggestions.

Currently, Paul is making his final revisions to the manuscript.  As he does so, award-winning graphic designer Roseann Nieman, from Niemanart Graphics, is working to integrate text, photos, Paul's concept design, and the magnificent image created by photographer Mike Nykoruk of Highlight Studios, to produce an exceptional cover.

Fr. Ben Kosnac is another vital member of our publishing team, and we are grateful to him as well for helping recreate the scene for the cover image, which is based upon an extraordinary event that occurs in the book.   

The excitement is building as the team gets closer to completing A New Voice For A Broken Soul

Paul's life-changing book will be published spring, 2012.

A portion of the front cover image.

If you are looking for life-changing reading worthy of your great dignity, 
you will find it here.

To request a winter/spring 2012 catalog, please contact us at:

Monday, February 6, 2012

Joseph Karl Publishing Expands Its Collection of Images That Celebrate the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, and Pro-Life Church

Enjoy the newest gallery dedicated exclusively to the majestic Tridentine Mass.

On Facebook

On Google +


Discover or rediscover Catholicism,
and the full expression of Christianity 
as established by its founder,
Jesus Christ.

God is so in love with us!

Images taken at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Slovak Roman Catholic Church, Sterling Heights, Michigan, U.S.A., in the Archdiocese of Detroit. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Joseph Karl Publishing Submits Its Work For Consideration To The Catholic Press Association's 2012 Catholic Press and Book Awards

The next generation of Catholic publishers continues its work to inspire, promote ongoing faith formation throughout the lifespan and around the world, encourage forgiveness and healing, defend human dignity, and guide precious, immortal souls to Christ.  God is at work in you!

From one of its nominations for Individual Excellence/Photography, describing the genesis and development of its Catholic and pro-life photo collection:

The images, taken for Joseph Karl Publishing, were initially meant to be paired with the text of blog postings, but their significance, purpose, and reach extended considerably and almost immediately.

Through 2011, the images were posted on various social media sites including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.  The images resonated with people in a very special way, one by one.  Soon, there were enough pictures to post in albums on Facebook and iCatholic.  The pictures were also published on Joseph Karl Publishing’s website, have appeared on book covers (including God Moments II:  Recognizing the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, nominated in several categories of the 2012 Catholic Book Awards), and the postings and albums were expanded to Google +, three blogs, Joseph Karl Publishing on Facebook, True Love Leads To Life on Facebook, Apostolate Films on Facebook, and other blogs upon request.  Some of the images, such as those used as blog headers, were changed to suit the time of year or various holy days.

Many people have shared the images with others around the world, or have asked for permission to use the pictures for various purposes.  One man asked if he could use a picture taken during Eucharistic Adoration to promote Adoration at his parish.  A young man asked to share several images with people in his country, Indonesia, one of which was taken during the Consecration at a Tridentine Mass.  He explained that not many Tridentine Masses are celebrated there and he wanted to share its beauty and immeasurable worth with others who do not have the opportunity to participate in them.  Another delightful young man will be making his final vows as a Capuchin in June, and asked if he could put one of the images, of Jesus on the Cross reaching down to St. Francis, on a prayer card he was creating.

Sometimes the images lead people on social networking sites to write requesting more information about the Catholic faith, or lead to exchanges beginning with questions such as "Does God really love me?" or "Do I matter?"  One man in the RCIA program was so captivated by the images from Holy Mass and Adoration, he had to experience the Mass at the parish where they were taken.

Most of the images were taken, with permission, during Holy Mass or Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration at Ss. Cyril & Methodius Slovak Catholic Church in Sterling Heights, Michigan.  Others were taken at various parishes, a hospital, medical center,  a cemetery, and in neighborhoods.  The images have been organized into categories, including, "God Is So In Love With You", “Thank Heaven for Altar Boys” , “Discover or Rediscover the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, & Pro-Life Church”, “The Real Presence”, “Corpus Christi”, “Advent/Christmas”, and “Love Never Ends.”  

The unique images have encouraged readers/viewers to see the majesty of Catholicism through a different lens, in a way they had perhaps never considered.  The pictures serve to guide souls into greater Divine intimacy and leave them with at least a glimpse of their immeasurable value in the eyes of God.  The images also celebrate the extraordinary beauty of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, and Pro-Life Church at a time of great need for them, and at a time when they are in very short supply. 

At one point in 2011, borders and captions were added to the published pictures to let viewers through time and place know important information about them, to evangelize and inspire, or for purposes of instruction.  The pictures have become a vital tool that Joseph Karl Publishing uses to fulfill its mission to inspire, promote ongoing faith formation throughout the lifespan and around the world, defend human dignity, encourage forgiveness and healing, and guide precious, immortal souls to Christ.

The images have also been used to create slideshows and short videos through Joseph Karl Publishing's film division, Apostolate Films;  one of those videos, “His Love Is Indescribable” (nominated for a 2012 press award), was shown during the International Conference on Eucharistic Adoration in Rome in June 2011.

Pro-life images were also added in 2011 when Joseph Karl Publishing launched the global and unprecedented pro-life movement True Love Leads To Life.  The images from the pro-life collection aim to defend human dignity by educating, encouraging people to rethink abortion, and visually displaying the love God has for mankind.   Those images have appeared on pro-choice, pro-life, and abortion provider sites and social networks  all over the world. 

The images in Joseph Karl Publishing's collection are expressions of God's immeasurable and unfathomable love for every single one of us, while the Holy Spirit is responsible for all that has been and continues to be  accomplished through them.

In early 2012, the best of the images will be available for purchase through Joseph Karl Publishing for use by individuals, families, teachers, Catechists, groups, and organizations, in homes, the workplace, schools, businesses, parishes, group homes, hospitals, prisons, libraries, organizations, and groups.  May they further inspire, promote ongoing faith formation throughout the lifespan and around the world,  defend human dignity, encourage forgiveness and healing, and guide precious, immortal souls to Christ.

Links to the galleries:


Google +JKP Image Galleries

Michele Bondi Bottesi on Facebook

Joseph Karl Publishing on Facebook

Apostolate Films on Facebook

True Love Leads To Life on Facebook:

“God Is at Work in You!” blog:

Joseph Karl Publishing’s blog:

True Love Leads To Life’s blog:

The pictures are also visible when searching for various topics (such as Catholic posters) using image search engines. 

The Next Generation of Catholic Publishers 
Working in collaboration with award-winning
Catholic publishing company Harvey House Publishing.

Harvey House Publishing

Producing exceptional, life-changing material
worthy of your great dignity.