Sunday, July 31, 2011

Final Check On The Cover Of God Moments II

A few minor changes and the cover will be good to go!

Our thanks to Roseann Nieman of Niemanart Graphics for designing another exceptional cover.

God Moments II: Recognizing the Fruits of the Holy Spirit will be available fall, 2011.

Think About It

True love leads to life.

Joseph Karl Publishing Begins Work On God Moments III

Looking for life-saving reading? You will find it here.

With anytime being the right time to end abortion around the world, Catholic authors Paul A. Ray and Michele Elena Bondi have teamed up to write and compile the third book in the God Moments series. This life-changing book, as yet untitled, will consist entirely of pro-life stories.

The projected publication date for this very loving, very necessary book is October 1, 2012.

To submit a pro-life story for consideration, please send it, along with your name and contact information, to:

Joseph Karl Publishing reserves the right to choose and edit the stories.

Looking for life-changing, life-saving reading? You will find it here.

JKP Heads To Highlights Studios To Shoot The Covers Of Paul A. Ray's New Book

We just can't wait to present you this one.

The team at JKP will be collaborating with professional photographer Mike Nykoruk this week. Mike will be taking the front and back cover images for Paul's life-changing book, A New Voice For A Broken Soul, coming in late 2011.

Highlights Studios take "Simply the best images of your life." How appropriate that God would send us to Mike! We thank him for sharing his incredible talent with us to create the very special cover images.

To view Mike's exceptional work, visit:

More updates on Paul's book coming soon!

JKP & HHP Team To Interview Actor And Director Leonardo Defilippis

Nancy Carabio Belanger of Harvey House Publishing, author Paul A. Ray, and Michele Bondi Bottesi will be speaking to the founder of St. Luke's Productions in mid-August.

Actor and film director Leonardo Defilippis plays St. John Vianney in the traveling live drama VIANNEY.

Since premiering in August 2009, VIANNEY has become the most popular Catholic drama and has been seen by over 100,000 audience members in 215 performances in 61 dioceses across North America.

Mr. Defilippis is also the producer and director of the feature film Therese, and has dedicated the last 30 years to performing live dramatic productions at churches, theaters, colleges, schools, monasteries, prisons and other venues for over a million people.

We look forward to speaking with Mr. Defilippis, and to sharing information about his life and mission with you.

Apostolate Films Sets Sight On The Eucharist

Joseph Karl Publishing's film subsidiary begins work on a very special project.

Producers Paul A. Ray and Michele Bondi Bottesi are working with the film team to create a video that focuses on the Blessed Sacrament.

Pictures and footage were acquired during the spectacular Sacrifice of the Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, and on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Slovak Catholic Church in Sterling Heights, Michigan.

We can't wait to present it to you!

God is so in love with us.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Finalizing The Cover Of God Moments II

JKP is hard at work collaborating with exceptional, award-winning graphic designer Roseann Nieman of Niemanart Graphics, to finish the cover of the second book in the God Moments series.

JKP's team is very excited to present this book, truly life-changing reading worthy of your great dignity. We hope to have the book available by October 1, 2011, the Feast Day of St. Therese of Lisieux, on the one year anniversary of the release of the first book in the series, God Moments: Stories That Inspire, Moments To Remember.

Joseph Karl Publishing is also gearing up to start God Moments III by Paul A. Ray and Michele Elena Bondi, a life-changing pro-life book. More details coming soon! Projected publication date: October 1, 2012.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011

JKP's Youth Division Reviews "Captain America"


"Captain America: The First Avenger" focuses on the early days of the Marvel Universe when Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) volunteers to participate in an experimental program that turns him tino the super soldier known as Captain America. As Captain America, Rogers joins forces with Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) and Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) to wage war on the evil Hydra Organization, led by the villainous Red Skull (Hugo Weaving)."

To view the trailer, visit:

Captain America Movie Review

By Andre Bottesi, 16

"The Captain America film is now my favorite movie of all time. It was everything I hoped for and more. Not only does it have amazing action sequences and humor but it also tells the message of being the good person you are.

"The underdog Steve Rogers was just an average kid who wanted to make a difference. World War II had begun and caused many Americans to want to help out their country, including Steve. Despite Steve’s good nature he lacked the physical characteristics to join the army. Lucky for Steve his good nature gave him an opportunity to get a second chance. Steve got the chance to be part of an experiment to make super humans that America could use to win the war, and Steve was their test subject. The test was a success and Steve became a superhuman and Captain America!

"Go see the movie, in theaters July 22, 2011, to find out what happened to Steve after he became Captain America!"

Also, after the movie ends, viewers are given a sneak peak of the next Marvel movie coming out May 2012, so stay after the credits!

Secrets of the Marvel Movies
and the Secrets of the New Movie Captain America!

Review by Nick Bottesi, 14

"All marvel movies are interconnected and they take viewers one step closer to The Avengers, coming Summer 2012! The Captain America movie begins with Steve and his friend on a double date at the Stark Expo, which was also in the movie Iron Man 2. In that movie, the main villain's father was the inventor who created all Red Skull's machines for him. Red Skull's chant and hand signals make a lot of sense in the movie. He said he defeated Hitler, whose hand signal was one hand up in the air, and the Hydra Organization, which referenced cutting off one head causes two to grow back, stick two fists in the air. The girl Captain America likes in the movie is also Black Widows grandmother. In Iron Man 2, Black Widow is Pepper's assistant and an agent for s.h.i.e.l.d. Also, the cube Red Skull steals is the same material that Tony Stark created in Iron Man 2.

"It is worth seeing Iron Man Two (but not necessary to enjoy Captain America) to get more of a sense of what is happening with all the characters.

"I rate Captain America: The First Avenger a ten out of ten! Iron Man 2 gets a 9.5, and Iron Man gets an eight! Spider Man gets a 7.5. Spider Man 2 gets a 7.5, and last but not least Spider Man 3 gets an eight!"

Review by Alyssa Bottesi, 12

"'Captain America' is an action movie. Captain America started out as a skinny kid who does not like bullies. He wanted to be a hero on the battlefield but instead ended up being a hero on stage promoting the war effort. If I tell you more there won't be any sense to see the movie. I give this movie 9.9 out of 10. Be sure to see this awesome movie now! Note that the movie has lots of violence, scary parts that could scare little kids, and includes some bad words."

"Captain America" and Our Nation's Heroes
by Michele Bondi Bottesi:

Captain America image copyright 2011 Marvel Studios.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Looking For True and Lasting Joy?

You will find it here.

Recognize, accept, return, and share
the immeasurable, unfathomable, and eternal
love of God.

He is so in love with you!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Want What God Wants

We are wise not to reject that which is given to us for our greater good.

If you were told that God wanted to give you a gift
and that gift was going to help you get to heaven,
where you would be in the loving presence of God
for all of eternity (that's a long time),
what do you imagine you would do with that gift?

Would you throw something so important in the garbage?

Or would you put it in a safety deposit box
and ask for it to be brought to your bedside
when your mission on earth ends
and you pass into eternity?

Would you treasure it
and value it
and spend your life trying to comprehend it's true worth?

Would you care for it?

What if you knew that receiving this gift
would cost you much
and require that you spend your life sacrificially,
in imitation of Christ?

Would you still be willing to accept this gift,
with the understanding that it would help you
get to heaven?

Did you know that there is such a priceless gift,
given to us to help us get to heaven?

There is!

It charms us and challenges us,
while helping us to grow in sanctity.

It teaches us and cares for us in return,
and gives us the immeasurable opportunity
to be charitable and heroically loving.

This is one gift that must never be rejected!

Did you know that there is such a priceless gift?

This eternal gift from God is life itself.

Our children are of incalculable value to our eternal destiny.

Our children are gifts from God.

Welcome them,
value them,
care for them,
and thank God for them,
and they will help you get to heaven.

(happy smile)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Will You Let Me Be Your Servant

JKP's crew at work on location.

Capturing innovative images
under the direction of creative director Paul A. Ray.

From the crew's youngest member;
our Creator's signature was everywhere!

Inspiration from JKP's youth division.

Keeping our spiritual armor dry by the pool.

JKP adds three fine bears to the crew.

Where is God at work in you?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

JKP Films On Location

Capturing, creating, innovating, and enjoying.

Following the Lord's lead
to bring you even more life-changing material
that encourages, inspires,
and leads souls to the love of Christ
through His majestic creation.