Monday, May 30, 2011

Wishing You a Very Meaningful Memorial Day

Remembering with love and gratitude those who gave their lives for their country and also the One who gave His life for all of humanity.

Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. ~ John 15:13

Pray every day for our fallen soldiers
and all those who have ever served our country,
for those who currently serve,
and also for world leaders,
that they may make decisions in imitation of Christ.

God is so in love with us!

Wishing you a very meaningful day. +

Sunday, May 29, 2011

God Is So In Love With You!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Announcing the Michigan Premier of the Motion Picture Leonie!



May 28, 2011

The much anticipated made-in-Michigan film premiere of LEONIE!

–Your coverage of this event is invited –

WHAT: Red carpet arrivals at the Michigan premiere of LEONIE! on Monday, August 1 at Emagine Theater in Novi, Michigan.

WHO: An all-Michigan cast from the film: Mary Rose Maher, Paige Pilarski, Genevieve Lang, Carrie Kot, Jeff Barron, Megan Wolf, Samantha Lang, and writer/director Joseph Robert Maher.

WHEN: Monday, August 1, 2011 Arrivals: 5 PM Film Star Arrivals: 6 PM Screening: 7 PM

WHERE: Emagine Theater 44425 West 12 Mile Road Novi, Michigan 48377

CONTACT: Barbara Middleton, executive producer: (586) 243-6199

Vic Faust, co-anchor of Action News on WXYZ-TV Detroit will MC the Premiere event.

Based on a true story. In late 1800s France, Leonie Martin (Mary Rose Maher) is a young bourgeoisie woman with a difficult nature who causes great emotional stress and suffering for her mother Zelie (Carrie Kot). Leonie wreaks havoc with the religious superiors in the monasteries she tries in vain to enter. Her extreme emotional outbursts and stubborn nature begin to ease when she meets and befriends a caring younger nun Sister Jeanne Marguerite (Paige Pilarski). She lovingly helps Leonie endure the many trials and tribulations of her hard life filled with chronic illness, an agonizing skin disorder and severe learning disabilities.

The touching story “Leonie!” also stars Jeff Barron as Louis Martin the father of Leonie whose devotion for her is manifest in his unfailing belief in the goodness of his troubled daughter. Genevieve Lang, Megan Wolf and Samantha Lang play the affectionate sisters of Leonie who, after the death of their parents, grow up to one-by-one heartbreakingly leave Leonie to enter the Carmelite monastery from which Leonie is barred.

Film star and Oscar voting member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Dolores Hart, calls Leonie!, “A totally heartwarming story”. Hart was Elvis Presley’s first on-screen kiss and hailed as the next Grace Kelly. In the early 1960’s, she left Hollywood fame and fortune to enter the Abbey of Regina Laudis.

“Leonie!” is directed by Joseph Robert Maher from a screenplay he wrote based on the life of Leonie Martin of Alencon, France, sister of the patron saint of France, St. Therese (Martin), known the world over to Catholics as the “Little Flower”. It stars an all-Michigan cast of eighty seven actors with Mary Rose Maher from Dryden, Paige Pilarski from Romeo, Genevieve Lang from Rochester Hills, Carrie Kot from Emmett, Jeff Barron from Farmington Hills, Megan Wolf from Rochester Hills and Samantha Lang from Rochester Hills.

The film is produced by Holy Trinity Productions I with its founder, Barbara M. Middleton, serving as executive producer. Leonie Martin captured the heart of Middleton and she knew she had to produce a film on her life story.

Some of the more striking features of the film are the spectacular settings used in most of the scenes. In Romeo, Michigan a restored late 1880’s French architecture historical home called “Sisson’s Fancy” served as the setting for the Martin’s French bourgeoisie estate in Alencon, France. Over the years the owners, Ron and Diane Jesmore, collected artifacts from the 1880’s period to place throughout their home. This made for the perfect setting for the story in the film. The stunning home fit perfectly for the time period of the story.

Other unique locations used in the film are the 135 year old Bunert Schoolhouse located on the property of Warren Woods Tower High School, the Monastery of St. Therese in Clinton Township, and St. Mary’s of Redford Parish in Detroit.

Perhaps the most intriguing backdrop in the film is a cloistered religious community’s Monastery in Toledo, Ohio. The monastery of the Visitation is under what’s called Papal Enclosure, meaning guests cannot be allowed to enter the monastery enclosure. However, the Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair of the Diocese of Toledo, Ohio granted this once in a lifetime permission.

“In the movie, people will see for the first time, life behind the walls of a monastery in the United States that has preserved the original observance and habits since the founding of their order by St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantel in the 1600s.” Barbara Middleton said. “It’s my understanding that no other U.S. production company has ever been allowed behind the walls of a cloistered religious community.”

Writer and director, Joseph Robert Maher couldn’t wait to begin shooting in the Toledo monastery. “It is one of the most extraordinary places I’ve ever been.” He said. “The monastery is magnificent and the austere lifestyle these sisters live with such joy is truly amazing. I couldn’t wait to share this place with the rest of the world.”

The actress who portrays the life of Leonie Martin, Mary Rose Maher, was discovered by Barbara Middleton, after seeing her perform live on stage in the lead female role of “The heritance”, a musical with members of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in 2007. She was 14 years old at the time, and only 16 years old when filming began for Leonie! in the summer of 2009. Later, Middleton invited Maher’s father, Joseph Robert Maher a former entertainment executive from Beverly Hills, California to write and direct the feature film.

Other members of the creative filmmaking team include director of photography Luke Kuschel of Gregory, production designer Caitlin Callaghan of Troy, editor Brien Dux of Berkley, sound editor Doug Schiete of Clarkston, and producer David Brockman of Rochester Hills. The music is composed by Eduard Perrone of Detroit.


LEONIE! will be distributed nationally in theaters after the Michigan premiere and is currently in negotiations with several distributors.

Please contact:
Holy Trinity Productions I: Barbara Middleton, executive producer: (586) 243-6199

Marked media vehicles may park on the walk near the front doors of the Emagine Theater in Novi, Michigan.

B roll of the movie Leonie! for media release is available.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Our Sorrowful Mother

Then Simeon blessed them
and said to Mary, his mother:

“This child is destined to cause
the falling and rising of many in Israel,
and to be a sign that will be spoken against,
so that the thoughts of many hearts
will be revealed.

And a sword will pierce your own soul too.”

Luke 2:34-35

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

True Love: A Sneak Peek Inside God Moments II

From God Moments II: Recognizing the Fruits of the Holy Spirit:

From Chapter 1 ~ Charity

“All our merit, my children, consists of cooperating with grace.”

St. John Vianney

True Love
By Belinda Bondi

True love is not made of sand, that’s why
It withstands the tests of time.
It does not fade like a rainbow does,
Or the sun that dims at dusk.

For forgiveness is its daily bread,
And to patience is love wed.
It is lasting, and never gives up,
And it loves, it loves, very much.

It’s heart does not break for pity’s sake,
Or leave memories at wakes.
True love is not made of sand, that’s why,
It withstands the tests of time.

Nor does it change like the seasons do,
For it’s genuine and true.
It is golden and will never rust,
And it loves, it loves, very much.

It does not fade like a rainbow does,
Or the sun that dims at dusk.
True love is not made of sand, that’s why,
It withstands the tests of time.

Copyright 2011 Belinda Bondi

From the back cover of God Moments II:

In the sequel to
God Moments: Stories That Inspire, Moments to Remember, Catholic authors, pro-life advocates, bloggers, home educators, a radio show host, speakers, a Marian Catechist, and publishers including Nancy Carabio Belanger, Belinda Bondi, Andre J. Bottesi, Rejeanne Buckley, Chris Capolino, Sharon Cecil, Maribeth Criscenti, Ellen Gable Hrkach, Gene X. Kortsha, Janet MacKinnon, Tom Mulcahy, Sean McVeigh, Paul A. Ray, Susan Schoenstein, and Jerry Weber join author Michele Elena Bondi in sharing their encounters with the Divine through stories which encourage you to recognize the Holy Spirit working within you and through you.

God Moments II: Recognizing the Fruits of the Holy Spirit create a greater awareness of God’s unfathomable love for you and for every person, increase your understanding of the meaning and purpose of your life, and inspire you to greater virtue and deeper surrender to God.

Available Fall, 2011.

God Is So In Love With You!

Discover or rediscover the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

Recognize, accept, return, and share
the timeless, limitless, faultless, and miraculous
love of God.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Discover or Rediscover the One, Holy, Catholic, & Apostolic Church

The Church founded by our Lord, Jesus Christ. God is so in love with you!

Please share (not sell) the picture if you like.

God is at work in you!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Is Our Lord Calling You?

"The Priesthood is the sublimest dignity
that God can confer on a human being."

~Servant of God Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Witness to Mercy: God's Love and Mercy Are Available For Every Person, Without Exception

A sneak peek inside God Moments II: Recognizing the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.

I just love this story.

In the sequel to God Moments: Stories That Inspire, Moments to Remember, Catholic authors, pro-life advocates, bloggers, home educators, a radio show host, speakers, a Marian Catechist, and publishers including Nancy Carabio Belanger, Belinda Bondi, Andre J. Bottesi, Rejeanne Buckley, Chris Capolino, Sharon Cecil, Maribeth Criscenti, Ellen Gable Hrkach, Gene X. Kortsha, Janet MacKinnon, Tom Mulcahy, Sean McVeigh, Paul A. Ray, Susan Schoenstein, and Jerry Weber join author Michele Elena Bondi in sharing their encounters with the Divine through stories which encourage you to recognize the Holy Spirit working within you and through you.

May God Moments II: Recognizing the Fruits of the Holy Spirit create a greater awareness of God’s unfathomable love for you and for every person, increase your understanding of the meaning and purpose of your life, and inspire you to greater virtue and deeper surrender to God. Available Fall, 2011.

From Chapter 7 ~ Joy

“When the heart is pure, it cannot help loving,
because it has found the source of love,
which is God himself.”

St. John Vianney

A Witness to Mercy
God's love and mercy are available to every single person, without exception.

My children and I had the privilege of hearing Fr. Donald H. Calloway, MIC speak at the Valley Forge Convention Center during the Catholic Marketing Network’s International Trade Show in August, 2010, where he shared the story of his life and miraculous conversion. Afterward he signed copies of his book No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy (Marian Press; 2010).

Fr. Calloway’s written account of his very troubled youth and subsequent encounter with the mercy of God through our Blessed Mother is so compelling, readers will find it difficult to put the book down.

We get a sense of what his early life was like from chapter titles that include "Animal," "Burning Down the House," and "The Divine 2 x 4."

The effects of years of reckless drug and alcohol use and criminal activity had him bound and chained by the forces of evil. Then early one morning he literally ran in search of a Catholic priest and found himself at Holy Mass. During the Consecration he heard a voice say to him, twice, "Worship!"

More extraordinary than reading his personal testimony of the tremendous love and mercy of God that saved him from disaster was hearing him speak about it all in person. Fr. Calloway is a powerful witness to the fact that God loves each one of us so very much, and reminds us that every single person has a mission. He assures us that there is hope for everyone, that prayer works (so don't stop praying!), and that we have a most loving Mother in the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Victory.

The audience was captivated by his down-to-earth approach and engaging ability to tell it like it is (in my teen son's words) that had us laughing so hard we cried and also had us crying because we were touched so deeply by the man, his mission, and the immeasurable and eternal love of God always available to us.

Fr. Calloway spoke very poignantly on man's search for happiness, a topic he also wrote about in his book. "I had put a lot of different things on my tongue looking for happiness. I had drunk a lot of different liquids looking for that eternal high, something that was more, something that would satisfy me forever. Here was the answer. God! And He had penetrated my world through the Virgin Mary and had drawn me to Himself and invited me to partake of His very self, the food that brings eternal life. And the drink that sustains. I was totally blown away." 1

We spoke briefly with Fr. Calloway after his lecture. As I looked into the eyes of this remarkable Marian priest who is sharing the love and mercy of God in such a powerful way, it was so beautiful to realize that he now uses his sense of sight, which once sought the elusive joy the world promises and cannot sustain, to look into the eyes of his flock made up of all of humanity and shepherd us toward true joy which is found only in the eternal love of God.

One of my favorite parts of No Turning Back is his mother's letter, which concludes the book.

She wrote, "God, I love the boy who became a man ordained by mercy and grace to do God's will."

If you have not read No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy by Fr. Donald H. Calloway, be sure to get it, read it, and pass it around! God's love changes lives.

For more information, visit:

1. Donald H. Calloway, MIC,
No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy (Stockbridge, MA: Marian Press, 2010), p. 172.
Cover of
No Turning Back Copyright 2010 Marian Press.
All other photos Copyright 2011 Joseph Karl Publishing.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our Experiences Draw Us Into Closer Union With God

A sneak peek inside God Moments II: Recognizing the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.

What an amazing sequence of events that was.

From Chapter 6 ~ Kindness

“We love God truly in so far as,
when finding ourselves with people who differ from us,

we behave graciously to them,

speak charitably of them,

are willing to meet them again,

and to do them a kindness…”

St. John Vianney

Two Mothers and Their Sons, St. Anthony,
and the Incredible Chapel

Our experiences draw us into closer union with God.

One Saturday morning I had just returned to my pew after having received our Lord in Holy Communion. There, I basked in the splendor of the beauty of that moment, having God within me, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, surrounded by people who also received our Savior, with my 11 year old daughter by my side. My two teen sons were on the altar, each holding a paten as our holy priests distributed the Eucharist.

While kneeling down, I looked up to take in the remarkable sight of my oldest son Andre, so elegant in his black cassock, assisting at Holy Mass by reverencing the Precious Body and Blood of our beloved Savior.

Next, I caste my gaze downward to spend a moment with God. Suddenly, without knowing why, I stopped and looked up. Immediately I realized that someone on the altar was missing.

People gathered in a circle in front of the Communion rail. I scanned the scene again as my intellect confirmed what I already knew. My son Andre was the one who was missing. I got up and rushed to my son who was lying on the floor. So many kind people from our new parish were there to help that I could only get as far as his shoes. What a moment that was as I stood by my son's feet and called out his name.

The love between a mother and son is extraordinarily powerful and oh, so beautiful. God determined that our Savior would be born of the Virgin Mary. While Jesus was being Crucified, He gave us His mother to be our Mother, too. Imagine the love that Jesus has for you, add the love of our Blessed Mother to the equation, and think for a moment how very loved you are. It's incredible.

As I called out my son's name, I experienced what I call a "parallel moment." Such moments are meant to teach us and guide us into greater Divine intimacy. I thought of Our Blessed Mother standing at Jesus' feet as He hung on the Cross. Ponder what that moment was like for Mother and Son, as they set their own agendas aside to do the Will of God, all for our benefit, all because They love us that much. They showed us that we are worth loving.

Andre regained consciousness and was helped to his seat in the altar boy section. I sat beside him and loosened his collar. What wonderful people in our new parish! Someone immediately brought a wheelchair, a nurse came to help, and I was most grateful to see Barb, the daily Mass coordinator from our former parish who came over to help, too. It was so comforting to see someone that we knew.

People were still receiving Communion and so Andre agreed to move to the chapel. God love the boy, he refused the wheelchair and walked out under his own power, although a nurse remained by his side. Once in the chapel, the wonderful people helping us had him lay down. People brought him lollipops, lemonade, granulated sugar, and soon I was holding handfuls of candy. Everyone was so kind to us it was overwhelming. A nice woman who brought candy helped Andre remove his cassock.

There's so much more to this story, and I will share another part of it.

We had been preparing for an eight-day trip east which was to include participating in the Catholic Writer's Guild Conference and Catholic Marketing Network's International Trade Show in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. My children and I experienced tremendous persecution before embarking on this trip. One person in particular persecuted us terribly. I will call that person "Conversion," because we are praying that person is converted, soon.

What a moment, to see my son lying on the floor just before we were to embark on this trip, after he had endured opposition and persecution that targeted this trip so specifically. I was convinced that our trip would bear much fruit for God's glory, and got a glimpse of the fruit while on our trip.

St. Anthony has been so instrumental this year in our mission to encourage, inspire, and continue the faith formation of Catholics worldwide and lead souls to Christ. Our mission in particular involves instructing people that they are loved by God who has a mission for them to accomplish. Why this particular saint has taken it upon himself to be our advocate from heaven so profoundly this year remains a mystery to me, but his help has been invaluable. Thank you, St. Anthony!

Catholics faithful to the Magisterium have their work cut out for them in our culture where Satan works so hard to convince people that arrogance, disobedience, and pride are good things. As a result, obedient Catholics have countless opportunities to lead souls to Christ every day.

We must live in imitation of Jesus and Mary, whose example reminds us through every age of the infinite value of our obedience to God's most perfect Will.

Before my children and I left on our trip, I began working on an article about the life of St. Anthony. Shortly before we left, I happened to come upon an article about a remarkable place called St. Anthony's Chapel. On a hunch, I said to my children, "Let's see where the chapel is." We discovered that the chapel is in Pittsburgh, right where we were going to stay overnight on our way to the convention in Philadelphia. There were no tours on Mondays, but there would be a tour on Tuesday, the day we would be there.

I knew for certain that we were supposed to visit the chapel, and so we made plans to check out of our first hotel and arrive for the first tour of the day, from 1:00 - 2:00. We would embark upon the five hour drive to Valley Forge after the tour.

Arriving at the Chapel

Andre programmed our GPS, which helped us easily find our way to the Chapel through the streets of Pittsburgh. We arrived on time for the 1:00 tour. Immediately upon entering the chapel I was absolutely taken aback. The chapel was incredibly beautiful, but it was the supernatural beauty that made it absolutely breathtaking. I wanted to take pictures inside the chapel to share with you, but it was not allowed. Obedience trumps personal desire. So, I will attempt to paint you a picture using words instead.

The chapel consists of two sections, with rows of pews running down the length of both front and back parts. The wider back half is flanked on both sides with life-sized Stations of the Cross that had been carved out of wood. These Stations of the Cross are one of only two sets in the United States. The side and front walls of the front half of the chapel are filled with thousands of relics, all of which are documented and have been cataloged. Jesus was Present in the tabernacle resting on the altar in the front of the chapel.

My children and I stood in the back before entering, absorbing the magnificence before us. That moment was similar to the moment when I first saw the Grand Canyon. My thoughts on both occasions turned immediately to our Creator, Who loves us more than we can ever imagine.

We slowly and reverently entered the chapel, still awestruck. It was impossible to process all there was to see and experience. We slowly walked toward the front of the chapel while viewing the life sized Stations of the Cross in the newer back half of the chapel. Life-sized statues are so very profound, for they help make events seem more real. It was very difficult to look at the life-sized Jesus represented in the various stations and attempt to consider the indescribable suffering He endured for each one of us. We are loved so very much.

As we continued to the front, I could hardly even look at the stations anymore, there was so much spiritual sensory information to take in! Then I looked to my right anyway without knowing why, and found myself standing at Someone's feet. They were not the feet of my son, they were the feet of Mary's Son. I stood at the feet of the Son of Man, who was laying on the ground and being nailed to a cross.

There is more to this story, but I leave that for another time.

My children kept going and so I followed. We walked around the front half of the church and then took a seat in the pew to pray before the Blessed Sacrament. Soon Sr. Margaret arrived to start the tour. Her explanation of the history of the Chapel, of the physician-turned-priest who had it built and was responsible for the collection of the relics, made the experience even richer. She led us around the front of the Chapel and pointed out certain relics.

My son Andre holding a relic of St. Pio in the small museum above the gift shop,
which houses artifacts and memorabilia.

The crutches of those who were healed are behind him.

Inside the chapel there are slivers from the True Cross, a piece of St. Joseph's staff, a piece of Mary's mantel, and relics of Mary Magdalene, the Apostles, and St. Therese, among so many others. Sr. Margaret pointed out relics of several saints martyred for believing in God, and also showed us St. Anthony's tooth.

The chapel has the largest collection of relics in the world outside of the Vatican. When we sat back in the pew to learn more, I realized that we were surrounded by the history of the Catholic Church. We were in the midst of the love of God manifested through the apostolate of so many of our brothers and sisters, the saints. We, too, make up the Body of Christ, and we too are called to fulfill God’s will through our personal apostolate and be saints.

It was inevitable that this joyful Catholic would once again be overcome with tears of gratitude. It was a very, very powerful visit. When Sr. Margaret said that she was going to bring us a relic of the True Cross to hold and to kiss, I cried. Sr. Margaret continued telling us about the Chapel as tears of gratitude streamed down my face. Oh how much we are loved and valued by God, by Jesus, by our Blessed Mother, and by the saints, who are our friends and advocates!

Standing just outside the chapel doors

We budgeted an hour for our time in the chapel and left after two, still way to little time to take in and experience everything the chapel offers to souls. Sr. Margaret told us that tradition has it that one should say a prayer by the tooth of St. Anthony asking for three things. I bucked tradition and asked for eight. +

We also prayed for you while we were there.

As we were leaving, Sr. Margaret asked me some questions by the chapel steps. She was concerned about my long drive with the children to Philadelphia and the prospect of our arriving there in the dark. She was so kind, so Christ-like! Most certainly working among the Blessed Sacrament and the thousands of relics does wonders for the soul. I assured her that we were called by God to visit the chapel and that He would look after us on our journey.

That's not all. To conclude this story, her final questions led to the very person who had persecuted us because of this trip! We had prayed for "Conversion" while in that most incredible chapel and then, as confirmation of what had just taken place, "Conversion's" name came up as we were leaving. Satan had used "Conversion" to persecute us so relentlessly before our trip, and yet it was during this very stop at St. Anthony's Chapel that God was at work in us when we prayed there for "Conversion's" conversion.

Catholicism is so awesome, and I LOVE being Catholic! May we never take God's magnificent love for us and our responsibility to share His love with others for granted. Each one of us was willed into being because we are loved by God. Each one of us is necessary in God's plan of salvation. Embrace the apostolate God has for you.

Make it a point to visit St. Anthony's Chapel in Pittsburgh, a wonderful treasure given to us
by our very, very loving God.

~Michele Elena Bondi

From the book's back cover:

In the sequel to God Moments: Stories That Inspire, Moments to Remember, Catholic authors, pro-life advocates, bloggers, home educators, a radio show host, speakers, a Marian Catechist, and publishers including Nancy Carabio Belanger, Belinda Bondi, Andre J. Bottesi, Rejeanne Buckley, Chris Capolino, Sharon Cecil, Maribeth Criscenti, Ellen Gable Hrkach, Gene X. Kortsha, Janet MacKinnon, Tom Mulcahy, Sean McVeigh, Paul A. Ray, Susan Schoenstein, and Jerry Weber join author Michele Elena Bondi in sharing their encounters with the Divine through stories which encourage you to recognize the Holy Spirit working within you and through you.

May God Moments II: Recognizing the Fruits of the Holy Spirit create a greater awareness of God’s unfathomable love for you and for every person, increase your understanding of the meaning and purpose of your life, and inspire you to greater virtue and deeper surrender to God. Available Fall, 2011.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Art For God's Sake

A Sacred Art Show held at St. Anastasia Roman Catholic Church in Troy, Michigan.

Event co-chair Chris Broses, artist Fr. Craig Giera,
and Regina Simony stand beside Fr. Giera's painting.

"Our mission is to expose the community to the transcendent beauty of art while inviting artists to share their talents so that the knowledge of God can be better revealed and the preaching of the Gospel can become clearer to the human mind."

~Fr. J.J. Mech, Co-chairman of Art for God's Sake

Thank you to everyone who planned, hosted, contributed, and volunteered at
Art for God's Sake.

It was an extraordinary show.

God Moments II Moves to Final Copy-Editing

The second book in the God Moments series was sent today to Erin Howarth at DDM publications for final copy editing. Erin will also be responsible for book layout and design. The front and back cover design, by Roseann Nieman of Niemanart Graphics, is in progress. The book will be published Fall, 2011.

From the back cover:

In this sequel to God Moments: Stories That Inspire, Moments to Remember, Catholic authors, pro-life advocates, bloggers, home educators, a radio show host, speakers, a Marian Catechist, and publishers including Nancy Carabio Belanger, Belinda Bondi, Andre J. Bottesi, Rejeanne Buckley, Chris Capolino, Sharon Cecil, Maribeth Criscenti, Ellen Gable Hrkach, Gene X. Kortsha, Janet MacKinnon, Tom Mulcahy, Sean McVeigh, Paul A. Ray, Susan Schoenstein, and Jerry Weber join author Michele Elena Bondi in sharing their encounters with the Divine through stories which encourage you to recognize the Holy Spirit working within you and through you.

May God Moments: Recognizing the Fruits of the Holy Spirit create a greater awareness of God’s unfathomable love for you and for every person, increase your understanding of the meaning and purpose of your life, and inspire you to greater virtue and deeper surrender to God.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Behold Thy Mother!

John 19:27

Each Day Is a Pilgrimage

Revisiting the places where we encountered the Divine.

A sneak peek inside God Moments II.

From Chapter 1 ~ Charity

Every one of our days is an adventure all its own with tremendous opportunities to recognize God’s loving presence among us, accept His love, love Him in return, and share His love with others. Each day is also a pilgrimage as we travel through and to places that lead to a deeper, more personal relationship with God.

We encounter mini-retreats throughout our days while revisiting places where we have encountered the Divine, places where God has manifested His great love for us, instructed us, or pursued us. Lately I have experienced these pilgrimages in a very profound way.

While doing things around the house I fondly recall my Divine encounters during the six years that we have lived here. Each one is a unique story, having occurred at a certain time, in a particular place, and for a specific reason.

Where have such encounters taken place in your home? Where have you thought about God, listened to Him, conversed with Him, offered thanks, asked for guidance, unified your suffering with His, shared His love with others, or told Him you love Him?

Encounters with God can happen anywhere, as we journey through our days. They involve people, places, events, animals, nature, circumstances, and discovery. God may speak to us, we may reach out to Him, or He may manifest His majesty, splendor, love, and mercy in a Host of other ways.

I especially love when my pilgrimage begins in the morning before I even get out of bed, when I awake before the alarm clock sounds and share precious, peaceful time alone with God in prayer before embarking upon the responsibilities of the day.

After dropping my children off at their schools, I drive to Mass and pass so many places that are of great personal significance. The places we go provide us with mental snapshots of how God's love is woven so beautifully and meaningfully into our days. We are constantly being reminded that our lives have great value and meaning, and that we are loved more than we can ever imagine.

One day my sons and I went to St. Andrew Catholic Church to take pictures. It was the first time we had returned to the church since following our summons to attend weekend Masses at our new parish. For us it was like returning home, home to God's house where we received Jesus so many times, where my children each celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation and received their First Eucharist, where Andre was confirmed the year before, where we met so many wonderful people and made so many valued friends. We felt many emotions as we prayed before the Blessed Sacrament, took pictures, and reminisced. So much happened to us that year and so much had changed forever.

While traveling through places of significance to you, think of the Virgin Mary and the Apostles and Disciples as they continued on with the particular mission God had for each of them following Jesus' Death and Resurrection. Their responsibilities must have taken them past places where Jesus walked, taught, healed, worked, suffered, died, resurrected, and appeared. Perhaps they returned to places where they were with Jesus and fondly remembered a moment, a smile, a glance, something they learned, or a conversation they shared.

Imagine what they were thinking and feeling as they traveled to or through those places, lovingly remembering Jesus. Perhaps they renewed their commitment to live in imitation of Christ. May we follow their example and remain close to God through all the circumstances of our lives

Recognizing that God is always with us, make each day a pilgrimage as you revisit places where you have encountered Him in a very special way. 1

"When we are walking the streets,
let us fix our eyes on our Lord bearing His Cross before us;
on the Blessed Virgin who is looking at us;
on our Guardian Angel who is by our side."

~St. John Vianney

God Moments II:
Receiving the Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Written and compiled by Michele Elena Bondi,
will be available Fall 2011.

Stories for the book were contributed by devout Catholics including authors, pro-life advocates, a radio show host, home educators, bloggers, speakers, a Marian Catechist, and publishers. Thank you Nancy Carabio Belanger, Belinda Bondi, Andre J. Bottesi, Rejeanne Buckley, Chris Capolino, Sharon Cecil, Maribeth Criscenti, Ellen Gable Hrkach, Gene X. Kortsha, Janet MacKinnon, Tom Mulcahy, Sean McVeigh, Paul A. Ray, Susan Schoenstein, and Jerry Weber for sharing your personal and very meaningful stories with us in the book.

The Fruits of the Holy Spirit are supernatural works that, according to St. Paul, manifest the presence of the Holy Spirit. The one who performs them recognizes God’s presence by the happiness he experiences, and others the divine presence by witnessing these good works (Galatians 5:22-23). They are, in other words, identifiable effects of the Holy Spirit. 2

May the stories in God Moments II encourage and inspire you to recognize the Fruits of the Holy Spirit manifest in your own life and the lives of others, and to consider their vital purpose.

1. Michele Elena Bondi, God Moments II: Receiving the Fruits of the Holy Spirit (Rochester, MI: Joseph Karl Publishing, Fall 2011), Chapter 1.
2. John A. Hardon, S.J., Modern Catholic Dictionary (Bardstown, KY: Eternal Life, 2008), pp. 222-223.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Award-Winning Books From Joseph Karl Publishing & Harvey House Publishing To Participate In Book Expo America

The leading event in North American publishing.

May 23-26, 2011
Javits Center, New York City

Joseph Karl Publishing's
award-winning, life-changing books
will be on display at
the Independent Book Publisher's Association (IBPA) Booth.

From Harvey House Publishing,
award-winning reading for 'tweens.

Olivia's Gift
will be on display at
the Independent Book Publisher's Association (IBPA) Booth.

By Nancy Carabio Belanger,
author of award-winning Olivia and the Little Way.