Monday, February 28, 2011

A Catholic Teen Author Shares His Thoughts on the Eve of the Next 40 Days for Life Campaign

True love leads to life.

By Andre Bottesi, 16

Stepping out of the car I felt the cold surround me, which made me wish I had brought better gloves. The pain from the cold was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. I grieved for the children that have died in the abortion clinic that I was standing in front of, and because of the pain the mothers, fathers, and family felt after the death of their young child. Some people say that it isn’t a baby before it is born, but how can you say that?

The baby’s heart beats inside its mother and it can dream before it is born. That baby is a human and has been one since it was conceived. When you want to plant an apple tree you put the seed in the ground and once it starts to grow and is springing up from the ground you don’t just rip it apart and destroy it. Abortion does just that to a baby before it is born. It is wrong to kill and it always will be. There is no justification for killing such an innocent life.

As I thought about that, we joined the others who came to pray and show others what evil abortion is. The people who came were so nice and caring. They know the truth and so do I; awakening others to the truth and stopping this evil is of extreme importance to this world.

My mom talked to the others about what we were going to do while we were there. One of them handed me a sign and I walked to the corner of the easement by the road and held it up with great sorrow and also with great pride. I know the truth and the truth must be told.

I saw someone pull into the parking lot of the plaza. I saw a woman in the car with a man and I feared the worst. They did not go into the clinic but into the sub shop next door. I am relieved, but then sickened because the thought came to me that there were people eating subs right next to the slaughterhouse of children.

Cars passed by and I returned to facing the street and showing the oncoming traffic my sign. Some people honked and waved in approval of what we were doing. Others, particularly teens and young adults, give us a thumbs down or cupped their hands over their mouths and booed at us. A few said horrible words as they passed by. They useed their words to do damage to others while we used our words to try and save lives.

I feel bad for those young people who passed by and discouraged us. They don’t know the truth, and they could be the next victims of abortion. Some are not as fortunate as I am to have learned the truth at an early age, that abortion is evil. We need to teach the youth of today about such things to protect them and everyone they could impact with their actions. We need to reach out and teach the truth, because if we don’t, who will?

We, along with the others who were outside of the clinic with us, began to pray the Rosary. I was given the honor of leading one of the decades. I felt foolish when I forgot a part of one of the prayers, but the others helped me remember and then I didn’t feel so bad.

If you don’t know a certain prayer or don’t know how something is done, you have nothing to worry about. The people around you will help you and guide you in the right direction. When I first went to the clinic I didn’t know what to expect and I didn’t know what to do. The others who were there showed me what to do and after I began, I felt like I really knew what I was doing.

A 40 Days for Life volunteer leads the Rosary.

My trip to the abortion clinic was thought provoking and special to me. I sometimes feel that I am powerless to stop abortion. I feel that alone I will not make a difference. I remind myself that this is not true. When people don’t vote in an election they most likely feel that their one vote will not make a difference. If everyone had this mindset then who would be left to vote?

The same is true about being against abortion. Every person makes a difference in ending this tragedy that is devastating our country. Every prayer is important and every prayer matters. Every protester standing outside the abortion clinic has a great impact on ending abortion. You matter and so do every one of your prayers and contributions.

I may be just 16, and in the eyes of the government I am not an adult, but I can still make a difference in ending abortion. I will not sit down and watch television all day while my brothers and sisters are dying before they even get to live.

From before you are born to before you die you have a right to life. Whether you are one or one hundred it makes no difference. Everyone has an equal right to life and everyone is equal. Life begins at conception and once God creates that life, it must be defended to its dying breath.

Model of an unborn child in an adult's hand.

An unborn baby is not a blob of tissue but is a real human person.

The next, record-shattering

40 Days for Life Campaign begins

March 9, 2011.

To get involved, visit:


Andre J. Bottesi is the co-author and illustrator of the Catholic teen book, Your Teen Apostolate: Accepting and Sharing the Love of God (Rochester, MI; Joseph Karl Publishing, 2009), which was named 2010 Best Children's Book and 2010 Best Family Life Book by the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Remembering Sydney

In failing to talk about the child's death, we were not able to talk about the child's life. It was as if he or she never existed.

By Anonymous

On a recent Saturday morning, my husband and our four children gathered at our kitchen table for a relaxing weekend breakfast. Just after we began eating, I was overcome with great sorrow and began crying. The time had come to share something with my children. They looked intently at me because they knew what I was about to say was very, very serious.

As I cried and sobbed, constantly wiping away the tears that streamed down my face with my napkin, I told the children that there was a person in our family that they never knew about. I told them they had a cousin and explained how that child was created through circumstances that were not pleasing to God. However, the parents as well as the child were still loved by God, and the child was wanted by God no matter the circumstances. They were shocked.

I went on with my testimony. One day, more than twenty years ago, my mother got a phone call from my brother Craig’s girlfriend Tammy and her mother. They asked to meet with our family, and so we met. Only the women were at the meeting. It was then that we learned from Tammy’s mother that Tammy and Craig had conceived a child out of wedlock. Craig had offered to marry Tammy, but her mother took her to an abortion mill and the baby was killed instead.

My children were as shocked and horrified as my family was when we found out. What tremendous grief the death of this child caused my loving parents.

I told my children that I learned about my niece or nephew only after the child’s life had already been taken. They learned of the great tragedy that our side of the family was denied the opportunity to know about the innocent baby while he/she was still living.

The baby, so highly valued and loved by us in death, had been discarded like a piece of worthless trash. I sobbed as I repeated what I had already said, as if by saying it again all these years later would help me finally understand it, that no one in my family (besides Craig) was given the opportunity to help in any way. Would our help have made the difference between life and death?

The other side of the child’s family never came to us while the child was alive because they had made up their mind to end the baby's life. What this tragic and immoral decision would mean to the child, to themselves, to our family, to future generations, to our community, and to our world wasn’t enough of a motivating factor to get them to change their minds. I remember as Tammy's mother told us that abortion was contrary to their religious beliefs. They chose death for the child anyway.

What are we doing.

What a terrible thing human pride is. How incredibly weak is our fallen human nature.

This is why our Creator gave us rules to follow, and one of them is “Thou shalt not kill.”

One of the children asked why no one had ever mentioned this child before. As often happens with such family secrets, the uncomfortable details get buried in an effort to forget what happened so everyone can move on with their lives. It seems like the best way to go about it, for we don’t want to dwell on the negative, and we certainly don’t want to cause anyone further harm.

Sometimes we suppress the horror of our guilt and pain to such a degree that we actually convince ourselves that we did in fact make the best choice. However, as we all concurred right there at the kitchen table, the horror of the violent death of this child beloved and wanted by some family members yet discarded by other family members never went away, and the profound grief over the enormity of the loss of his/her life never went away, either. In failing to talk about the child's death, we were not able to talk about the child's life. It was like he or she never existed.

How absolutely horrible.

This child, who has so many cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and even friends, hasn't been mentioned in over twenty years. This person, who is so loved and valued by God and by us, has not been spoken of.

It is also something I cannot fathom to this day, that a child, a member of my family, had grandparents that willingly took the child to be killed.

Many people believe or hope that their post-abortion pain and grief will just go away, but they don't go away. They remain if unresolved, until resurfacing, sometimes even many years later, often times triggered by some event.

My family has been called by God to do more in support of life and to end legalized abortion in the United States and every nation on earth. This is a calling that every person must hear, for we are all called to do our part in living in imitation of Christ.

My children also knew that the night before I had started reading the book Unplanned by Abby Johnson. She is a former director at a Planned Parenthood clinic who experienced a Divine revelation while assisting during an abortion. She had worked there for years and incorrectly believed that she was helping women, until the moment when the child was killed and she saw the truth: the killing of unborn children helps no one and is contrary to God’s will.

Killing is wrong and helps no one. In fact, abortion is a multi-faceted destroyer of lives.

If you have not read Unplanned, get it, read it, tell other’s about it, and pass the book around to everyone you know.

Amazing how reading this book triggered the dramatic resurfacing of the tragic events of one child's murder after over twenty years had passed. The pain was still so profound, the anguish still so real, the incalculable loss still so great.

I can't think of one benefit that resulted from the killing of this child.

My children told me later, as we cleaned up the breakfast dishes and put away the food, that they thought I was going to tell them that years ago I was the one who had an abortion. They understood in that instant that every single one of us is exposed to temptation. All of us find ourselves in situations where we are tempted, and each one of us needs to ask God for His wisdom and strength to do what is right. While the story was not about me specifically, the story did have to do with me, and with them, and with all of us. Unfortunately, we were not the ones with the decision making power at the time the story took place.

We went on to discuss God’s plan for humanity, how we are called to be fruitful and multiply but within the context of marriage, and that the moral order exists for our benefit. We discussed what happens when we choose to sin, and how many countless others are affected by the choices that we make.

We discussed the importance of holding ourselves accountable for our actions. We agreed that it is vital that we remain very close to the Sacraments so that with God’s help, we make choices that are pleasing to Him and best for ourselves and others, especially when those choices are the most difficult to make. We discussed how important it is to go to Reconciliation often to receive God's forgiveness and bountiful graces that help us increase in sanctity.

It astounds me that collectively, on both my husband's and on my side of our families, we have experienced the fallout from abortion, adultery, divorce, married couples using immoral methods of family planning (contraception), and parents conceiving children via immoral methods.

I was very sad to think that my children, so full of God’s love and goodness, live in a world that has become so incredibly immoral. This rampant immorality signals a great distance that people have placed between themselves and God, for those close to God could not act in a manner that is so contrary to love.

On the other hand, we have countless, immeasurably wonderful opportunities to serve others by bringing the love, mercy, and healing of Jesus Christ to them.

We also have a tremendous moral obligation to teach our children right from wrong, in word and most importantly by deed. Our children are vulnerable to falling prey to people with misguided compassion, and they must be taught the difference between true compassion and that which is false. There are many people with good intentions who are behaving in a gravely immoral way, without even realizing it. Our children must be taught the difference!

“It is we who must choose between good and evil.”

-Pope John Paul II

My three teenagers and one middle-schooler will be facing these life-and death situations themselves before too long. Although they have been brought up with the knowledge that abortion is wrong since before they can remember, these discussions are vital and must take place within the home of every single family with children.

My children asked if they could discuss this with their grandparents, and asked for permission to do so. I explained to them the profound sorrow that their grandparents must feel to this day because of the death of their grandchild at the hands of the child’s other grandparents. It still makes me sad that such loving and generous people were never given the chance to properly love and help save this beloved, defenseless, wanted member of our family.

We discussed as a family what false compassion is and what true compassion expressed in imitation of Christ is. They are two very distinct things; one is immoral and the other is moral. One is the expression of selfish love while the other is the expression of selfless love. Our decisions to love selflessly demonstrates that we are true disciples of Christ.

We discussed the importance of knowing right from wrong and not allowing ourselves to be persuaded in a crisis situation to do wrong. We discussed that what sometimes seems like the “easy way out” turns out not be easy at all, and how savvy satan has become at marketing tremendous evil as a good.

My children decided to name the baby. They were amazed when they learned that he/she would be an adult today. We discussed what the implications of his/her death are for all of humanity. All the plans God had for his/her life never came to fruition. The child’s potential friends and classmates never knew of him/her, nor did his/her intended teachers. Perhaps he/she would be married now.

Was his/her intended stopped from being born, too? If not, how was that person’s life affected? None of our beloved’s children can ever be created. None of those children’s potential spouses will know them. That entire lineage of people, and all their lineages, were wiped out forever the moment that our loved one was killed via abortion. How many people in all will never exist now because that one child was killed is anyone’s guess.

What would that child, and their legacy mean to our world? We will never know.

We do know that every single person has the right to live.

Over 50 million babies have been killed since abortion became legal in the United States in 1973.

No matter what the law says, abortion is immoral and is a grave crime against humanity.

Imagine how many children are never spoken of, as if their existence has been erased in secrecy.

Abortion should never be legal, anywhere.

My children decided to name the beloved family member we never met “Sydney.”

There were many, many benefits to the life-changing discussion our family had that morning. We talked about the importance of praying for Sydney’s parents, who broke up after the abortion. We talked about the people who were involved in Sydney’s death, including Sydney’s grandparents, Sydney’s parents, the receptionist at the abortion mill, the nurses, technicians, any volunteers at the clinic, and the one whose hands directly ended his/her life, the abortion doctor who took an oath and made a promise when he/she became a doctor to help heal people. We also discussed the importance of praying for them and forgiving everyone involved.

It is impossible to know who has accepted healing and who has not regarding Sydney’s death, since no one speaks about him/her. I do hope that Craig and Tammy have gone to Confession, accepted God’s infinite mercy, and allowed themselves to be forgiven by the ultimate Physician, Jesus, and that they forgive themselves. I hope they know about the very effective programs that help those who have had abortions find healing and live lives free of debilitating guilt and shame. I hope that they come to understand the difference between true compassion which places itself at the service of others and false compassion which is driven by pride and selfish motivation so that their lives are the happiest they can be.

I hope that abortion becomes illegal in the United States and around the world.'

I hope that everyone learns the difference between true compassion and false compassion.

I hope that even when abortion is no longer legal, no one will ever consider it an option anyway.

Later in the day, my youngest daughter came to me in tears. She had just come from her room where she held a private prayer service for her cousin Sydney.

I am so glad that she values life and understands that although Sydney was killed as a baby, Sydney remains with us and is our advocate in heaven, from the very Presence of Almighty God.

Dear Sydney, please pray with us for an end to abortion.

Please join us
in peacefully and lovingly ending abortion
around the world.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Looking For Life-Changing Reading?

You will find it here. And more is coming.

Let God change your life, in the most amazing ways!

God is at work, in you.

Be There

Attend Holy Mass, every day.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Power of a Pin

by Maribeth Criscenti, 40 Days for Life Coordinator, Sterling Heights, Michigan

One Friday, after a very emotional morning of family issues, I stopped to cheer myself up with ice cream. Who doesn't smile when they have ice cream??!! As I was looking at the tempting selections (and also fighting my good angel who told me "you don't need ice cream"), the young man who was the ice cream scooper kept looking at me -- bending and leaning over, straining to look at my left shoulder.

I thought, oh my, what is on me? We are painting at home, so maybe a big glob of yellow is on me! The young man finally asked "Excuse me, I'm trying to read what your pin says." Then it dawned on me -- I wear my "Pray to End Abortion" pin on all my coats and I forget that I have it on. (Whew! It wasn't paint!) He asked me if I had any extra pins. I didn't, but gave him the one on my coat.

We talked for approximately 15 minutes about how pro-life his mother is and how she has five children. His mother had a problem pregnancy with his sister and the doctors told her to consider abortion; she refused and his sister was born early, weighing one pound. Today, she is 19 years old. He was so excited to bring the pin home to his mom (actually, he wanted to put it on but was afraid he would get in trouble...I told him to keep it in his pocket until he got home). We talked about 40 Days for Life and where he could get more information nationally and locally.

There was a girl behind the counter who was listening to I pray she gleaned from our conversation. I did end up leaving with a smile and a small pumpkin ice cream, and the sweet young man refused to charge me or take a tip. Thank You Jesus for the opportunity to speak about Your gift of LIFE! 1

The next campaign takes place
March 9 - April 17, 2011
and will be conducted in more than 140 cities
in 38 US states, 4 Canadian provinces and 3 Australian states.

1. Written and Compiled by Michele Elena Bondi, More God Moments (Rochester, MI: Joseph Karl Publishing, June 2011).
Photos: 40 Days for Life.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy St. Valentine's Day!

You are loved and valued beyond measure.

Give God permission to work in you.

Accept, return, and share
the eternal love of God
which is limitless, faultless, timeless, and miraculous.

God is at work in you!

Have a very loving day.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Looking for the Perfect First Communion Gift?

You will find it here.


Our Treasure
Written by Michele Elena Bondi
Illustrated by Kristina Marie Pope
Joseph Karl Publishing, 2010
Hardcover, 30 pages, $16.99
ISBN: 9781935356141

Children learn during story time
that there is priceless treasure waiting for them,
whenever they want to become very rich.
Do you know where "Our Treasure" can be found?

Discover Treasure with the special children in your life.

To purchase
this very special keepsake picture book for children
about the Eucharist, our Treasure,

Friday, February 4, 2011

Brother Jerome and the Angels in the Bakery

Brother Jerome and the Angels in the Bakery
by Dominic Garramone, OSB, with illustrations by Richard Bernal

ISBN: 9781933370644, hardcover, 9 x 12, 32 pages, $16.95
Reedy Press (2010 )

Brother Jerome opens the monastery bakery to the public, fills it with delicious freshly baked goods, and then finds himself lacking customers. With the help of his guardian angel Gus, Abbot Pasqualino, the angels in the bakery, and prayer, Brother Jerome finds the courage to persevere despite initial disappointments. Will anyone come in to the monastery to buy Brother Jerome’s wonderful baked goods?

This touching story by Fr. Dominic Garramone, O.S.B., with charming illustrations by Richard Bernal, encourages children and adults alike to keep pursuing their dreams, and makes an ideal addition to every family library.

Be sure to ask for this delightful children’s book at your favorite store and public library.

My children (16, 13, & 11) and I highly recommend it.

Reviewed by Michele Bondi Bottesi
Publisher, Joseph Karl Publishing

From the book's official press release:


ST. LOUIS, MO—The angels love to visit Brother Jerome’s monastery bakery, because it’s the place that smells the most like heaven. But when the abbot asks Brother Jerome to open his bakery to the public, the young monk doubts that he can get customers into the shop to try his breads. With the encouragement of his abbot and a little angelic assistance, he gains the self confidence he needs to have a successful bakery.

Brother Jerome and the Angels in the Bakery is a charming children’s book from public television’s popular baker monk, Father Dominic Garramone. Young readers will relate to Brother Jerome’s anxieties about failure, and Richard Bernal’s illustration yields beautiful renderings of monks, angels, and baking.

Look for Brother Jerome and the Angels in the Bakery in bookstores and online at

Other books by Fr. Dominic Garramone, OSB

Breaking Bread with Father Dominic (1999)
Breaking Bread with Father Dominic 2 (2000)
More Breaking Bread with Father Dominic (2001)
Bake and Be Blessed (2002, 2nd edition 2008)
‘Tis the Season to be Baking (2007)
Brother Jerome and the Angels in the Bakery (2010)
Thursday Night Pizza (2010)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Have You Ever Wondered Who God Is Exactly?

Do you know of the very special place where you can find out?

Have you ever asked God Who He is exactly?
Have you ever asked Him to show you Who He is?

These are very wonderful questions to ask, for such inquiries mean that we are striving for greater intimacy with the Divine.

Who is God, and where can we find Him?

I have been asking God in prayer to reveal to me Who He is. I already know where He can be found, and constant proof of His loving existence is granted to us every single day. The proof cannot be missed for it is all around us! My request did not involve doubt, but rather was the result of my heart's desire to know Him more and be closer to Him.

He is found within His living Word.

How to receive Him.

He can be found in the Blessed Sacrament,
Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.

Where to obtain His mercy.

He is found in His house.

He can be found anywhere and everywhere,
for He is not limited to time and space.

For many days He remained silent as I prayed,
and then when I was suffering,
He told me that I would come to know Him well
by joining Him on the Way of the Cross.

We come to know God in a very deeply personal way
when we live in imitation of the suffering Christ.

Walk in union with Him.

Keep forgiving.

Live morally, love heroically.

Allow His will to be accomplished through you.

Accept, return, and share
the eternal and immeasurable love
He has for you!

Believe in miracles.

May we be comforted in knowing
that through our trials
we come to know Who God is
in a very, very special way.

God is at work, in each one of us.

"He knows your name, and He loves you."
~Fr. Corapi

Legalized Abortion's Days Are Numbered

We are closer than we think.

Loving each other in imitation of Christ will finally end this greatest crime against humanity the world has ever known.

The end of legalized abortion is in sight,
and can be accomplished very soon,
by our living and loving in imitation of Christ,
moment by moment.

Make every kindness and act of love
an offering to our most loving God
for an end to abortion
and in reparation for every one that has been committed.

Offer up every sacrificial labor of love
to stop future abortions from occurring.

Keep praying for a peaceful end to abortion,
and that all those who participate
in this crime against humanity
see this grave injustice for what it is.

God commanded us, "Thou shalt not kill!"

Pray for those who have been harmed by abortion
and need healing.

Legalized abortion's days are numbered in America.
We are very, very close.

Give generously.
Live morally.
Love constantly.

Baby Andre reaching out to his mother.

True love leads to life.

Each of us can make and is making a difference!

Love even more.

God is at work in you.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Doctor Walked Into the Room, Told Her She Was Expecting, and Then Heard Her Sigh

Reflecting on the gift of life on the eve of my birthday, which is on the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple.

God is at work, in each one of us.

My mother retold the story for my children at the birthday party she threw in honor of the gift of my life this past Sunday.

Her doctor, who had a huge statue of the Virgin Mary in his office, walked in to the room and announced that my mother, who was 24 at the time, was pregnant again. I was baby number three. My brother was three, my sister wasn't yet two, and my dear mother was anemic and exhausted. As an infant my sister had to be fed every four hours around the clock. Naturally, my mother was anxious for history not to repeat itself.

At the time, there was a shift from encouraging mothers to breastfeed to encouraging mothers to bottle feed their infants with formula. This increased the likelihood that children would be conceived closer together. My mother was not able to nurse my sister, and although that was disappointing for her at the time, those very circumstances led to my being created.

The compassionate doctor picked up on my mother's tired sigh. He asked her if she had seen the couple that left his office before she came in. He said they were unable to have any children. My mother still remembers the story. When I was born, she asked the doctor how much I weighed hoping that more around the clock care wasn't needed. I was a healthy five pounder. My children listened intently as she recalled the doctor telling her she had another little girl.

God love my parents who did not view their children as something to be planned according to their schedules. They understood that children are planned by God. My brother, sister, and I were blessed to grow up with siblings close in age and we were each others' friends and playmates.

How things have changed in one generation. Today children are often viewed as a right, to be sought after at all costs, even to the point of compromising morality. Modern, and faulty thinking, says children must be planned, or delayed for unjustifiable reasons, or frozen, or discarded in a variety of different ways. Married couples use immoral contraceptives, or do not welcome children at all, or will take one or two and that's it. Abortion is legal in the United States and fifty million children have died as a result of this "choice."

We have children if we want, when we want, and how we want, and then half of all marriages end in divorce because it pleases us to seek happiness elsewhere, leaving our children without two full time loving parents the way God intended. The love of God should find its first expression within the family. Humility, love, sacrifice, service. How we insult our most loving and generous God with our ingratitude, arrogance, and self-centeredness!

How many people are even willing to acknowledge publicly that they include God in their family planning, and make it a point to be generously open to life? How many are persecuted by others for living it.

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for living so generously and lovingly. As a parent now myself, I know that truly living your faith nobly and heroically was not easy. Thank you for not demanding that I be exactly what you had in mind, exactly when you wanted. Thank you for not putting me on your wish list, after a big house or a new car. Thank you for accepting me into your lives and for loving me in imitation of Christ.

I love this picture. taken when my children were little,
when they were already being taught to value life.

Because my parents chose to love sacrificially,
my three children had the chance to be born.

Because my parents had their focus on eternity,
Joseph Karl Publishing exists today.

The children I went on to have,
and the books we went on to write.

Because my parents chose life,
my children and I were able to write the books God assigned to us,
to let everyone know that they are loved and valued beyond measure.

True love leads to life,
and many, many, many other beautiful things.

My little hand on the day I was born,
the very hand (lefty) that went on to write five books,
all of which have to do with the
eternal and immeasurable love God has for every single person,
without exception.

Value and peacefully defend every person's right to life,
from conception until natural death.

My birthday wish,
on the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple,
is an end to legalized abortion
in the United States and throughout the world,
and that every single person feels so loved,
that no one would even consider having one.

True love leads to life.